
Cinerary urns for sale in Cagliari and its province

In Cagliari, the Osiria Funeral Services are an expert and reliable partner in the field of cremation and the sale of cinerary urns. This is a ritual requested by the will of the deceased through a written will or ratified by registration with one of the existing cremation societies.
It is the responsibility of the closest relatives in the direct line to fulfill this request, while the agency will take care of the necessary documentation (authorization issued by the municipality to which they belong).

Complete management of the ritual

Together with the organization of the funeral, a reservation is made at the nearest available crematorium, where the coffin is received to receive the cremation treatment by specialized personnel. If the deceased was equipped with a pacemaker, the attending or facility doctor will remove it, an operation required by law to be able to carry out the ritual.

The resulting ashes will be made available to the relatives for collection, which can also be carried out by the agency itself with returns to the family members.

Ceramic and wooden articles

Once the funeral is concluded, the Osiria funeral agency takes delivery of the ashes, placed inside a cinerary urn to then be buried in a niche, entrusted for safekeeping at a relative's house, dispersed in nature or in the appropriate spaces at the cemeteries.

The agency offers a wide range of ceramic and wooden cinerary urns, included in the cost of the cremation service, with a capacity of approximately four litres. Find out more about the service offered by the Cagliari company with a phone call, referring to the data you can find at the bottom of this page.
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